We offer lessons for beginners to advanced riders of any age. We teach an array of disciplines and welcome all breeds.
Our well-rounded program provides the perfect starting point for children to learn about riding and horses.
Our facility is on 1200 acres of scenic land, with beautifully groomed private trails. Our interest is in bringing satisfying horse ownership to our clients. We can help you train your horse or get you started in a lesson program that will encourage sound fundamentals of good horsemanship, the fun and fellowship of riding and help make you more competitive in the show ring.
Excellent individual attention, daily turnout, specialized feed programs, all in a clean, well-maintained facility. Our atmosphere is quiet, relaxed and friendly to both horses and riders.
We invite you to ride with us for a lesson. Day or evening lessons can be arranged to suit your needs and may be as frequent as you wish. Carousel Canada would love to get you started!